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Common Defects in Auto Connector Precision Moulding Molds and How to Address Them

Yueqing Huangrong Mold Co, Ltd. 2024.08.23
Yueqing Huangrong Mold Co, Ltd. News

Precision moulding is a critical process in the automotive industry, especially for components like auto connectors. These connectors are essential for ensuring reliable electrical connections in vehicles, making the quality of the moulding process paramount. However, despite the precision involved, defects can still occur in auto connector precision moulding molds.


Flashing refers to the unwanted excess plastic that forms around the edges of the molded part. This defect occurs when the molten plastic leaks out of the mold cavity and solidifies outside the intended part. Flashing can result from several issues, such as excessive injection pressure, improper mold clamping, or insufficient venting.

Solution: To prevent flashing, ensure that the mold is properly clamped with the correct pressure and that the clamping force is adequate to hold the mold halves together. Regular maintenance and inspection of the mold for wear or damage can also help. Additionally, optimizing the injection pressure and ensuring proper venting can reduce the likelihood of flashing.


Warping is a distortion that occurs when the molded part does not cool evenly or when internal stresses develop during the cooling process. This can bring about parts that are twisted, bent, or deformed, which can affect their functionality and appearance. Warping is often caused by uneven cooling, improper mold design, or inconsistent material flow.

Solution: To reduce warping, ensure that the mold design includes effective cooling channels that provide uniform cooling across the part. Control the cooling rate and temperature to achieve even solidification. Additionally, use materials that have consistent shrinkage properties and ensure that the mold is free from any design flaws that could contribute to uneven cooling.

Sink Marks

Sink marks are depressions or dimples that appear on the surface of the molded part, typically in areas where the material thickness is inconsistent. These marks occur due to the differential cooling rates between the outer and inner layers of the part, often resulting from insufficient packing pressure or inadequate mold design.

Solution: To address sink marks, review and adjust the packing pressure during the injection process to ensure that the material fills the mold cavity completely and evenly. Additionally, optimize the mold design to ensure uniform wall thickness and improve the overall flow of material. Proper venting and cooling techniques can also help reduce the occurrence of sink marks.

Short Shots

Short shots occur when the mold cavity is not completely filled with molten plastic, bring about incomplete or partially formed parts. This defect can result from inadequate injection pressure, poor material flow, or blockages in the runner system.

Solution: To prevent short shots, ensure that the injection pressure is sufficient to fill the mold cavity completely. Check the runner system for any blockages or restrictions that could impede the flow of plastic. Additionally, review the mold design for any areas that might contribute to incomplete filling and adjust the gate locations and runner dimensions as needed.

Surface Defects

Surface defects such as scratches, blemishes, or rough textures can affect the appearance and functionality of the molded auto connectors. These defects can result from various factors, including mold contamination, improper mold maintenance, or poor material quality.

Solution: To reduce surface defects, maintain a clean mold environment and perform regular cleaning and maintenance of the mold surfaces. Use high-quality materials and ensure that the mold is free from contaminants or debris. Additionally, inspect the mold for any wear or damage that could affect the surface finish of the parts and address any issues promptly.

Dimensional Inaccuracy

Dimensional inaccuracy occurs when the molded parts do not meet the specified dimensions or tolerances. This defect can result from variations in the mold temperature, material properties, or machining errors. For auto connectors, precise dimensions are crucial for proper fit and function.